Monday, February 09, 2009

A-Rod = A-Roid

Not that I am an A-Rod fan by any stretch of the imagination, but it is nice to see that he was man enough to come clean amidst all the speculation the last couple of days. I also don't think it is fair for the Media to release only his name of the 104 that were leaked form the anonymous testing MLB Baseball did back in 2003 to see if Steroid testing was going to be neccessary. Hopefully this will set an example for the hundreds of other players that are going to be in this same situation. MLB needs to move out from under the steroid ERA. As a true fan I'm loosing a good amount of my interest of seeing what will happen this year. I will always be a Sox fan and will watch the games, but at this point it is for a more of the thrill of the sport and that there will be a winner and a loser. As I see records getting broken and whats currently listed in the books, well to me they'll always have a tainted feel. At this point for any record that has or will change since 1998 will always have me in doubt. MLB has to do something to get this situation under control. Unlike the player strike in the 90's that lead to a lot of fans leaving the game, they won't have the luxury of HGH or Steroids to pump up the players and bring back the fans with ridiculous numbers at the plate. I think the true fans will be there through it all, and MLB owes it to the fans to cleanup the sport. As well as having the record books stating the old records along with the new records with a footer saying anything from 1998-2008 (or when ever the clean it up) was known as the "Steroid Era" so take from the records what you will.

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